Mama vs. The Gator

That’s when I spotted her. A brown eyed 2 ft long brown monster, laying there. Covered in head to toe in mud. She turned her head and spotted me. She stopped dead in her tracks, no she moved no muscle. A staredown ensued. She slowly opened her mouth warning me not to come any closer. I remained calm. Spooking her would do me no good. Too unpredictable at this point. So I said in a calm sweet low tone. “Hi sweetie. Hi girl. Whatcha doing?” She slowly moved. I matched her speed and moved closer. Arms out showing I mean her no harm. Continue reading Mama vs. The Gator


I have had my days, as I’m sure we’ve all had, where the perfect storm brews. Chaos has met up with Disorder for a cup of coffee at Cafe Anxiety Arabica. Panic knows Chaos order by heart, a medium iced Americano, hold the fear, and adds two scoops of disorganization. The perfect cup. These days used to hit me quite often. Shit, I was the one of the originals frequently stopping at Cafe Anxiety. Continue reading MOMMA STOP CRYING